Speaker Presentations
Lindsey's Favorite Part of the I-10 Project
Document Type
News Article
For the past three years, the USA Center for Archaeological Studies has been excavating and studying 15 sites in the right of way of the I-10 bridge widening project in Mobile. Lindsey Howell Franklin from Wiregrass Archaeological Consulting shares her favorite part of working on this exciting project.
To learn more about the project, please visit the Center for Archaeological Studies website at https://www.southalabama.edu/org/archaeology/.
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This video was created by Motivation Media Inc: https://www.motivationmediainc.com/ #shorts
#i10archaeology #archaeology #fieldwork #mobilealabama #mobileAL
Publication Date
Summer 8-28-2024
Recommended Citation
Howell Franklin, Lindsey and Archaeological Studies, Center for, "Lindsey's Favorite Part of the I-10 Project" (2024). Speaker Presentations. 6.
Transcript (Lindsey's Favorite Part of the I-10 Project