Theses and Dissertations

Investigating Music Teacher Job Satisfaction, Professional Development, and Administrative Support

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name



Educational Leadership

Committee Chair

Benterah C. Morton, Ph.D.


This research study was designed to investigate music teachers’ perceptions of job satisfaction, professional development, and administrative support and to explore possible existing relationships between music teacher job satisfaction and number of hours of music related professional development while exploring possible relationships between music teacher job satisfaction and perceived level of administrative support. Data, which were analyzed for music teachers (n = 47), came from a quantitative survey and a series of qualitative focus groups. For the analysis of job satisfaction data, a mean of M = 4.23 and a standard deviation of SD = 0.76 was obtained, indicating between a high to moderately high level of job satisfaction. Analysis of professional development data found a mean of M = 1.76 and a standard deviation of SD = 0.53, indicating participants attended between 0 and 15 hours of music-related professional development annually. Analysis of the administrative support data found a mean of M = 3.66 and a standard deviation of SD = 1.03, indicating between a neutral to moderate level of administrative support. Results indicated a positive relationship that was approaching significance between music teacher job satisfaction and amount of music related professional development. A strong positive correlation was found between music teacher job satisfaction and perceived administrative support. Qualitative data analysis revealed the three major themes of job satisfaction, professional development, and administrative support. Each major theme was then broken down into subthemes. The subthemes of professional development were collaboration and relationships, teacher preparation, stress, scheduling, and perceptions of the job. The subthemes of professional development were ideal professional development, relevant professional development, observations, and effects of music professional development. The subthemes of administrative support were ideal administrative support, examples of good administrative support, examples of poor administrative support, and administrator presence.

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