About JagWorks@USA
Implemented in 2021 with funding from USA Libraries, the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Charles Bernard and Mary Elizabeth Rodning Gallery of Art Endowment, and the Marx Family Library Endowment Fund, JagWorks@USA serves as the Institutional Repository for the University of South Alabama and USA Health.
Institutional Repositories (IRs) preserve and provide access to content that supports teaching, research, grants, accreditation, and the like. University divisions, colleges, departments, centers, faculty, and students can showcase their work in JagWorks, make it accessible globally, and track readership and impact. IRs are an excellent vehicle for working papers, copies of published articles, conference papers, presentations, performances, audiovisual materials, capstone projects, senior theses, and other works not published elsewhere.
JagWorks features a publishing platform for journals, conference proceedings, open educational resources, books, newsletters, magazines, and similar publications. JagWorks provides a solution for storing, managing and sharing data to comply with data-sharing mandates for grants and funders. Licensing and copyright tools, customizable metadata, recommended citations, multiple display options and persistent URLs allow tailored curation and open discoverability for all types of data. JagWorks can manage calls for conference papers, and archive proceedings, presentation materials, and posters.
To learn more about Institutional Repositories, please visit the Digital Commons Resources page. If you have questions or would like to contribute content to JagWorks@USA email us at jagworks@southalabama.edu.