Azalea City Quilter's Guild

Azalea City Quilter's Guild

The Azalea City Quilter's Guild is a non-profit organization. Its purpose is to promote the appreciation of quilting while members develop their skills and learn new techniques. Members share an interest in the art of quilting and join together to educate the public about this beautiful American art form.

The Guild members exemplify a vast array of talents and skill levels. Several ACQG members have been published in various quilt-related publications and have taught around the Southeast. Members have also entered their work in area, national, and international shows.

More quilts and quilt art produced by Alabamians across the state can be found on the Alabama Mosaic and the Encyclopedia of Alabama websites. To search the collections on those websites, use "quilts" as the search term in the Search bar on both websites.


Browse the Azalea City Quilter's Guild Collections:

Azalea City Quilters Guild Exhibit

Branching Out

Funky Self-Portraits

The Challenge