Document Type

News Article


In this edition of the museum's newsletter:

  • Upcoming Free Public Talks:
  1. "The Cosmos Revealed: Precontact Mississippian Rock Art at Painted Bluff" Jan Simek, Ph.D.
  2. "Documenting the Africatown Cemetery," Alexandria Jones, Ph.D.
  3. Alliance Française, "A Thorn in Spain's Side: The Rise & Fall of 16th Century Huguenot Corsairs," Jen Knutson
  4. "Down the Bay: Archaeology & Oral History," Philip Carr, Ph.D., Rachel Hines, and Ryan Morini, Ph.D.
  5. "Where is the Parity: Exploring the Gap Between Health Disparities and Health Equities," Franklin Trimm, M.D. and Tiquera Hall
  • On Exhibit at the Archaeology Museum: "Unwritten: Archaeology & Oral History of Jim Crow Mobile"

  • Upcoming Exhibit: Now Accepting Submissions for the INTO Light Project

  • Upcoming Local Archaeology Conferences

  • Teachers! Project Archaeology Investigating Rock Art Professional Development Workshop

  • Giving to the Archaeology Museum

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