Document Type
News Article
This is the January, 1997 edition of the Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine's newsletter - The Beat.
Contents include:
- Probing the molecular structure of mitochondrial transport proteins
- Lions / USA eye research GALA dinner - A success!
- Congratulations...
- McCombs selected to serve on NIH committee
- Basic medical science degrees awarded
- USA physicians help five couples become pregnant with new technology
- The pediatric research office
- Medicaid waiver granted
- Basic medical science graduate research forum / visitation day
- Awards...
- Advancements in the treatment of stroke
- National primary care day
- COM biostatistics and Epidemiology core unit research support service
First Page
Last Page
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Medicine, College of, "The Beat Newsletter" (1997). The Beat Newsletter. 4.