2024 CoTL Conference

2024 CoTL Conference

Points of contact: Dr. S. Raj Chaudhury or Dr. Lisa LaCross

14th Annual South Alabama Conference on Teaching and Learning

As a partnership between USA, Spring Hill College, University of Mobile, Bishop State, Coastal Alabama, and Mississippi Gulf Coast, this conference reaches a diverse audience, all of whom are engaged in a variety of ways of supporting students. This year’s theme challenges you to investigate and share practices related to Relevance, Reflection, and Relationships, aligning educational content and activities with building community, self-efficacy, and self-awareness.

This collection only includes conference presentations from presenters who agreed to share their materials on the JagWorks platform and does not contain all presentations from the 2024 conference. Please refer to the 2024 CoTL Conference Program in the collection list below for a complete listing of presenters and presentation information.


Browse the 2024 CoTL Conference Collections:

CoTL 2024 Conference Program

CoTL 2024 Posters

CoTL 2024 Research Talks