Poster Presentations
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Gordon Allport first proposed the Intergroup Contact Theory in 1954. According to his theory, contact between ingroup and outgroup members, under certain conditions, would lead to positive effects, specifically the reduction of prejudice. Since then, this theory has been expanded to include members of other majority/minority groups. Research suggests intergroup contact has positive effects for reduction of anti-trans prejudice. To date, the focus has largely been on the mechanisms driving changes in attitudes and intentions towards trans individuals through intergroup contact interventions. It is unclear whether this intervention might also promote the acquisition of more nuanced sociocultural understanding about gender, which could also explain a reduction in trans prejudice. This Honors Thesis Project will test the hypothesis that there is a parallel mediating effect of 1) beliefs about gender and 2) attitudes towards trans individuals in the association between imagined intergroup contact and behavioral intentions towards transgender individuals.
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Oyler, Samantha, "Intergroup Contact, Beliefs About Gender, and Trans Prejudice" (2024). Poster Presentations. 24.