Honors Theses
Date of Award
Document Type
Undergraduate Thesis
Degree Name
Computer Science
Faculty Mentor
Michael Black
Ricky Green, Todd McDonald
Satellite communication is essential for the exploration and study of space. Satellites allow communications with many devices and systems residing in space and on the surface of celestial bodies from ground stations on Earth. However, with the rise of Ground Station as a Service (GsaaS), the ability to efficiently send action commands to distant satellites must ensure non-repudiation such that an attacker is unable to send malicious commands to distant satellites. Distant satellites are also constrained devices and rely on limited power, meaning security on these devices is minimal. Therefore, this study attempted to propose a novel algorithm to allow authenticating communications from ground stations to long-distance satellite communications while also ensuring the time delay on constrained devices remains low.
Recommended Citation
Blum, Ethan, "Ensuring Non-Repudiation in Long-Distance Constrained Devices" (2023). Honors Theses. 38.
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