A Five-Minute History of Knot Theory
Document Type
This is a short video of Dr. Daniel Silver's (dangerous) attempt to recreate an experiment that P.G. Tait performed for Lord Kelvin in 1867. The video also features Dr. Andrzej Wierzbicki and commentary by Dr. Susan Williams from the University of South Alabama. Video filming performed by Dr. Susan Williams.
Select the Download tab in the upper right to watch the video. A transcript of this video is attached as an additional file.
Publication Date
Recommended Citation
Silver, Daniel, "Part 2: When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" (2023). A Five-Minute History of Knot Theory. 4.
More information about this session can be found in the article "Knot Theory's Odd Origins." E-prints are available by request.
Silver, Daniel S. "Knot theory's odd origins: The modern study of knots grew out of an attempt by three 19th-century Scottish physicists to apply knot theory to fundamental questions about the universe." American Scientist 94.2 (2006): 158-165.
When Smoke Gets in Your Eyes © 2005 by Daniel Silver is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
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