Speaker Presentations

Glass Skate


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Document Type

News Article


This glass skate was excavated by archaeologists as part of the I-10 Mobile River Bridge Archaeology Project in Mobile, Alabama.

Please visit our blog to learn more about the South Royal Street site, where the skate was found at https://www.southalabama.edu/org/archaeology/news/archaeology_in_action_south_royal_street_site.html

Please visit the Center for Archaeological Studies website to learn more about archaeological projects in and around Mobile, AL at https://www.southalabama.edu/org/archaeology/

Visit us on our social media pages on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/USAarchaeology) and Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/usaarchaeology/)

This video was created by Motivation Media Inc: https://www.motivationmediainc.com/ #shorts

Publication Date

Winter 12-20-2023

Glass Skate.pdf (406 kB)

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