Speaker Presentations

A Day in the Life of Hamilton


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Document Type

News Article


Spend a day on an archaeological site with Hamilton Bryant! He shares a day in his life working on the I-10 Mobile River Bridge Archaeology Project, an effort to excavate and analyze 15 sites in the right of way of the I-10 bridge as it crosses Mobile Bay.

To learn more about the project please visit the Center for Archaeological Studies website at: https://www.southalabama.edu/org/archaeology/

Or visit us on our social media pages at:

Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/USAarchaeology and Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/usaarchaeology/

This video was created by Motivation Media Inc: https://www.motivationmediainc.com/ #i10archaeology #archaeology #artifacts #fieldwork #mobilealabama #mobileAL

Publication Date

Summer 8-28-2024

A Day in the Life of Hamilton.pdf (408 kB)

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