
Theses/Dissertations from 2024


Long G4-rich Enhancers Physically Interacts with Promoters via a G4:G4 DNA-based Mechanism, Jeffrey David DeMeis


Etiology and Molecular Mechanisms of PPP2R5D-Related Developmental Disorders, Chenchen Li


Stability of a Productive Conformation Drives Acylation in N. gonorrhoeae PBP2, Caleb M. Stratton

Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Impact of Gamma Secretase Activating Protein on End-Organ Dysfunction in the Aftermath of Pneumonia in a Novel Gamma Secretase Activating Protein Knockout Rat, Meredith S. Gwin


Role of Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Translocase Subunit, TOMM22, in Pancreatic Cancer Pathobiology, Mary Oluwadamilola Haastrup


Substrate Stiffness: A Mechanical Determinant of Endothelial Phenotype, Sunita Subedi Paudel

Theses/Dissertations from 2022


Role of Type 4 Phosphodiesterases in Thermoregulation and Salivation in Mice, Abigail Grace Boyd

Novel Regulators of Human Gene Expression, Alexander Coley

Replication Associated Base Excision Repair Regulates Replication Stress Induced PARP1/PARP2 Activation and Impacts PARP and PARG Inhibitor Resistance, Md Ibrahim

Interactions of Rickettsia Felis and Wolbachia Endosymbionts in Cat Fleas, Ctenocephalides Felis, Krit Jirakanwisal


Infection and Transmission Determinants of Flea-Borne Rickettsioses, Hanna J. Laukaitis

The Role of Nuclear Focal Adhesion Kinase in Tumor and the Tumor Microenvironment, Yelitza Angelica Rodriguez-Rodriguez

Effect of Nicotine on Immune Suppression and Prostate Cancer Pathogenesis, Sirin Saranyutanon

Role of PARP1 and NAD+ Bioavailability in Base Excision and Single-Strand Break Repair, Kate M. Saville

STAT3 Dysregulation of XRCC1 Results on Altered Base Excision Repair, Griffin Wright

Theses/Dissertations from 2021

Role of Internal Calcium Stores in the KCA2.3 Regulation of Human Uterine Smooth Muscle Contractions, Bri Kestler