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In 2019, 57% of Adolescents who have substance or alcohol abuse disorders experienced at least one ACE, and 25 % experienced two or more ACEs; this means that over half of the patients admitted to an adolescent substance and alcohol abuse program have experienced childhood trauma (Gomez et al., 2017).

This study investigated ACE awareness amongst staff working with a population known to have high ACE scores. The intended purpose was to evaluate staff understanding of ACEs and their impact on patient satisfaction scores.

The AIM of this project was to increase staff awareness of ACE to 85% and increase patient satisfaction scores within a 4-month time frame.

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USA College of Nursing, DNP project, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), treatment centers


Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing

Implementing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in a Youth Regional Treatment Center

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Nursing Commons



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