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During the COVID-19 pandemic public health officials sought out different options to limit the spread of the disease and continue providing the much-needed care that patients deserved. Telemedicine became one of the leading initiatives to assist in caring for patients while limiting potential exposures. Prior to the pandemic telemedicine was primarily utilized in the psychology and neurology settings. The lost of life during the pandemic was unimaginable additionally, many healthcare entities begin to suffer from lack of protective supplies. Due to the unknown and newly implemented stay at home mandates made throughout the country many people became fearful of COVID-19 which led to an inundation of no-shows and missed appointments in the primary care setting. As the pandemic continues missed appointments seem to parallel its trend. The benefits of telemedicine implementation in relation to reducing missed appointments has yet to be thoroughly examined. This project aims to explore the impact of telemedicine implementation in a primary care clinic in Pensacola, Florida.
The goal of the project is to measure patient satisfaction and evaluate the affect of telemedicine on missed appointments.
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USA DNP project, telemedicine, missed appointments
Medicine and Health Sciences | Nursing
Recommended Citation
Brooks, Tavaris; Harris, Shannon; and Currie, Kristen, "In Adult Patients Aged 18 and Over, What Is the Effect of Telemedicine, As Compared to Traditional Office Visits, On Missed Appointment Rates" (2023). Poster Presentations. 6.