Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name



Business Administration

Committee Chair

Matthew C. Howard


Al Chow, Joe Hair


With more connected devices on earth than there are people, Internet of Things (IoT) is arguably just as innovative as the original introduction of the Internet. Though much of the research on technology acceptance and adoption has been conducted in organizational settings, the consumer use of IoT technologies, such as smart devices, is becoming a fertile field of research. The merger of these research streams is especially relevant from a societal perspective as smart devices become more embedded in consumer’s daily lives, particularly with the introduction of the “meta verse.” While original technology acceptance research is limited to two system-specific characteristics (usefulness and ease-of-use), this study seeks to extend this foundation with the effects of privacy concerns (risk) and brand trust (trust) on user adoption of smart devices. Further, this analysis views antecedents on three different dimensions: (1) individual-specific, (2) company/brand-specific, and (3) system-specific characteristics.
