Theses and Dissertations

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name



Educational Leadership

Committee Chair

Benterah C. Morton, Ph.D.


Through analysis of a variety of data sources, there is evidence that students have not been academically successful and that change is needed to ensure that students can experience future success in college and career. Educators are encouraged to analyze and reflect on how their instruction impacts student learning, yet this is difficult because of time restraints that educators face. The use of video analysis can greatly influence the change process for teachers and can empower teachers to diagnose problems and assist them in prescribing effective strategies and practices that will have a positive impact on student learning. How can school leaders and teachers ensure that students are learning? How do teachers’ efficacy beliefs affect their instruction? This study explores how the use of video analysis and engagement in the feedback cycle can influence teachers’ efficacy beliefs and instructional decisions, further examining how a school leader can influence teachers’ instruction by increasing self and collective teacher efficacy.

This phenomenological study found that the school principal can serve as a catalyst in leading changes in teachers’ instruction through the use of video analysis, further showing that the principal’s deep feedback, along with the video analysis treatment, had a positive influence on the teachers’ instructional effectiveness and their x sense of teacher efficacy, both self and collective. This study implies (or supports the literature in noting) that the interdependent constructs of teachers’ sense of efficacy and instructional effectiveness are important considerations in the field of education and hold a pivotal role in the collective work to improve teaching and learning.
