CoTL 2023 Research Talks
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Project-based learning pedagogy ensures that the students put their analytical minds toward creating new knowledge in class. With the advent of ChatGPT, content creation suddenly is not exclusive to those sentient beings with brains anymore. AI is here to stay. Educators must prepare future knowledge workers to be comfortable using language-based AI to generate and publish content, much like how engineers, chemists, physicists, mathematicians, and statisticians are now solving problems with calculators and various analytical apps on computers instead of doing them manually. Students in the International Business class at Spring Hill College responded to the challenge call of Huawei in France, published in Telanto.com. We will elaborate on how the project allowed the students to apply their knowledge to create a meaningful work outcome using a publicly available GitHub code combined with creative content generated by ChatGPT from the information/data supplied by the students.
Publication Date
Education | Educational Methods | Educational Technology
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Recommended Citation
Gapud, Stephanie D.; Palit, Priyojit; and Mitchell, Zachary, "From Code to Creativity: Empowering Students with Language-Based AI for Innovative Content Creation" (2023). CoTL 2023 Research Talks. 2.
Stephanie Gapud
Assistant Professor, Springhill College
Stephanie is a graduate of the Business Administration Ph.D. program at the University of South Alabama. She finished her MBA from Spring Hill College. She is a forest Products engineer and has a master's degree in Forestry, majoring in Wood Science & Technology. Her research interests include leadership in teams, Ignatian pedagogy as a competitive advantage, and institutional change.
Presentation Time: Wednesday May 10, 2023 12:00pm - 12:25pm CDT
Presentation Type: Research Talk (Remote via Zoom)
Host Organization: Springhill College