Poster Presentations
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What is an sdRNA? Noncoding RNA (ncRNA) is a class of RNA that includes microRNA (miRNA) and small nucleolar RNA (snoRNA). Fragments excised from ncRNAs are known as noncodingderived RNA (ndRNA). A certain class of ndRNAs that are derived from snoRNAs have been denoted as Small Nucleolar Derived RNAs (sdRNAs). Our lab has previously hypothesized and demonstrated that sdRNAs display regulatory functions on target genes, similar to the functions of miRNAs. sdRNAs are almost identical to microRNAs and differ mainly in their source of origin.
Our lab has shown that sdRNA-93 is frequently misexpressed in breast cancer cell lines and directly contributes to the cellular pathology present in breast cancer. We showed that sdRNAs play a role in the molecular events responsible for malignancy and that sdRNAs may represent entirely new tools for diagnostic and prognostic determination.
In 2021, prostate cancer was the most prevalent malignant cancer type in American men. Castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) lacks effective treatment options, leading to prostate cancer’s second place standing as a leading cause of cancer death in American men. Our lab identified two distinct sdRNAs (sdRNA-D19b and sdRNA-A24) that are overexpressed in prostate cancer samples compared to normal tissues. We aimed to evaluate the role these sdRNAs play in the maintenance and/or onset of prostate cancer.
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Analytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and Equipment | Chemicals and Drugs | Diagnosis | Diseases | Investigative Techniques | Male Urogenital Diseases | Medical Specialties | Medicine and Health Sciences | Oncology | Other Chemicals and Drugs
Recommended Citation
Chaudhary, Neil, "sdRNAs Participate in the Maintenance and Onset of Prostate Cancer" (2024). Poster Presentations. 10.

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Diagnosis Commons, Investigative Techniques Commons, Male Urogenital Diseases Commons, Oncology Commons, Other Chemicals and Drugs Commons