Poster Presentations
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Cyberattacks are increasing in size and scope yearly, and the most effective and common means of attack is through malicious software executed on target devices of interest. Malware threats vary widely in terms of behavior and impact and, thus, effective methods of detection are constantly being sought from the academic research community to offset both volume and complexity. Rootkits are malware that represent a highly feared threat because they can change operating system integrity and alter otherwise normally functioning software. Although normal methods of detection that are based on signatures of known malware code are the standard line of defense, rootkits that have never been seen before (zero-day threats) are not easily defeated because of their ability to evade scanners and present false system information. In this research, we propose to evaluate a novel approach of rootkit detection based on collection of time-serial voltage data from the internal motherboard of standard desktop PCs.
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Computer and Systems Architecture | Computer Engineering | Computer Sciences | Engineering | Hardware Systems | Information Security | Other Computer Engineering | Other Computer Sciences | Physical Sciences and Mathematics | Programming Languages and Compilers | Systems Architecture | Theory and Algorithms
Recommended Citation
Clark, Rebecca, "Side Channel Detection of PC Rootkits using Nonlinear Phase Space" (2024). Poster Presentations. 11.

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Computer and Systems Architecture Commons, Hardware Systems Commons, Information Security Commons, Other Computer Engineering Commons, Other Computer Sciences Commons, Programming Languages and Compilers Commons, Systems Architecture Commons, Theory and Algorithms Commons