Poster Presentations
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Careers in the healthcare field are demanding, and each stage closer to attaining the career aspirations is filled with increasing amount of stress. Previous research highlighted impostor phenomenon, perfectionism, psychological distress, and burnout in graduate students; however, this study‘s primary focus was to investigate the relationships between these constructs in an undergraduate pre-health population. This study aimed to find whether or not impostor phenomenon, perfectionism, and psychological distress could be considered predictors of burnout and whether or not pre-health students differed from non-pre-health students in their levels of these constructs.
Publication Date
Human Factors Psychology | Other Psychology | Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
Lee, Victoria, "Impostor Phenomenon, Perfectionism, Psychological Distress, and Burnout in Pre-Health Undergraduate Students" (2024). Poster Presentations. 14.