Volume 1, Number 1 (2017)
Notes and Comments
From the Editor
Laureen Fregeau
Peer-Reviewed Articles
A Study of Teacher Talking Time and Student Talking Time Practices among ESL Instructors at an Intensive English Program
Cesar R. Bazo Quintana
English Language Competence: Why English Matters in Higher Education in Kenya
Ukaiko A. Bitrus-Ojiambo, Iddah Wayumba Mwaura, and Annette Lutivini Majanja
Unprepared: Are Educator Preparation Programs Effectively Training Pre-Service Teachers to Teach English Learners?
Lorie Johnson
Understanding Saudi Student Integration in the U.S.: A Study on Saudi Students at a Southeastern Institution
Carrie Melius
Employing Cueing Systems to Decode Text and Negotiate Text-Meaning in a Second Language
Timothy A. Rodriquez, Laureen Fregeau, Mary Kay Moskal, and Robert Leier

- Laureen Fregeau: Editor-in-chief
- Cesar Bazo
- Ukaiko Bitrus-Ojiambo
- Suhana Chikatla
- Arlene Costello
- Amany Habib
- Robert Leier
- Timothy Rodriquez
- Kathy VanDyck